Online Yoga Classes

Find your perfect match with online yoga classes for everyone. Work on strength and mobility with Vinyasa, Hatha or Ashtanga, relax deeply with a Yin or Restorative yoga class, gain clarity and focus through meditation and breathwork, or sit back and watch our talks and tutorials.


Benefits of Yoga


Explore The Styles Of Yoga

Yogic Breathing - Benefits

  • It can be practiced at any time of the day, morning, afternoon  or evening, except for just after having meals.
  • The practice makes it possible to control the finer details of the mind.
  • All the stale air is expelled with each outgoing breath and the next inhalation brings fresh air to all the lobes of the lungs.
  • Proficiency in yogic breathing means that all aspects of the breath have come under the control of the conscious mind and can be commanded at will.
  • In yogic breathing a much larger quantity of air reaches the lungs and inflates more alveolar tissue compared to normal, silent and sub-conscious breathig
  • In Yogic practices it is a widely used Pranayama. With the help of this pranayama one can obtain liberation from bondage.

Ujjayi Pranayama - Benefits

  • It slows the pace of breath, which helps to live a long, happy healthy life.
  • It cleanses and refreshes the nadis, they are energy flow patterns in the body.
  • Fills the mind and body with fresh Energy – Prana(The Vital Life Force).
  • Develops Mental Clarity and helps to focus better.
  • Improves memory power.
  • Boosts the immune sysem to fight disease and recover quickly.
  • Gently calms and rejuvenates the nervous system.
  • Helps in insomnia and promotes deep sleep.
  • Helps to balance fluids in the tissue.
  • Develops a great sense of calm and relaxation in the mind and body.
  • Purifies the emotional body by releasing stagnant emotions held in the tissues.

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama - Benefits

  • Although different techniques and stages tend to promote specific benefits more intensely, all have a few common benefits.
  • Increased Awareness and Sensitivity to the flow of the breath into both the nostrils becomes even and balanced. thereby activating both of the Hemispheres of the brain equally.
  • Calming effect : Especially in the morning just after walking conscious state quikly from subconscious and Unconscious or Dream State of Mind.
  • Helps to increase tolerance to disturbances and resistance to distractions  and decreases irritation.
  • Balanced Energy between right and left sides of the body.
  • Relieves anxiety, Improves Focus, and Stimulates Ajna Chakra.
  • The body is nourished with the essential amount of oxygen and at higher stages supply of oxygen is boosted, Carbon dioxide is efficiently expelled, blood is purified.
  • When Practiced and perfected, breath retention happens at ease.
  • Increased Vitality and lower levels of stress.
  • Induces tranquility and clarity of thought.
  • The Brain centres are stimulated evenly to work with optimum capacity.

Bhastrika Pranayama - Benefits

  • Instantly energizes the body
  • Removes lethargy
  • Helps in eliminating any mucus accumulation in the nasal passages
  • Calms the mind
  • Tones and strengthens the core/abdominal region
  • Increases oxygen to the vital organs increasing its vitality
  • Enhances the respiratory and digestive system

Bhramari Pranayama(Humming Bee Breath) - Benefits

  • Gives instant relief from tension, anger and anxiety. It is a very effective breathing technique for people suffering from hypertension as it calms down the agitated mind
  • Gives relief if you’re feeling hot or have a slight headache
  • Helps migraines
  • Pranayama benefits in reducing blood pressure.
  • Helps calm the mind in preparation for meditation
  • Helps to awaken psychic sensitivity and awareness of subtle vibrations; therefore, it is better to practice in the early hours of the morning or late at night.
  • The sound produced in Bhramari is very soothing and thus the practice relieves mental tension and anxiety and helps reduce anger.

Kapalbhati Pranayama(Frontal Brain Cleansing Breath)-Benefits

  • It has a cleansing effect on the lungs
  • It is a very good practice for respiratory disorders
  • It balances and strengthens the nervous system, also trones the digestive organs
  • It purifies the nadis and removes any sensory distraction
  • It energizes the mind for mental work and removes sleepiness.

What is Meditation ?

Meditation is a practice in which the participant trains the mind to focus and to redirect their thoughts onto something, either a specific sound/chant, breath etc. Where eventually the frequency of thoughts reduces, increasing awareness of self or surroundings.

It is also used as a medium to develop the following qualities when practiced regularly.

  • Mood Enchancement
  • Develop good habits
  • Positive attitude
  • Self-disciplane
  • Healthy sleep patterns
  • Resistance to pain
  • Overall wellbeing

It is an ancient traditional method, still practiced in various cultures across the globe. It calms down your mind and creates a sense of harmony

Benefits of Practicing Meditation

  • Helps in loweing blood pressure
  • Helps in reducing anxiety
  • Decreases pain
  • Improves sleep
  • Helps overcome depression
  • Enhances self-awareness
  • Helps connect with the divine, attain inner peace
  • Reduces emotional stress and enhances well being
  • Minimizes stress and panic disorders
  • Minimizes risks of heart related diseases and strokes
  • Builds immunity – your body’s ability to fight diseases
  • Eases symptoms of PMS and decreases menopause symptoms
  • Improves attention span and thus academic performance

What is Relaxation ?

Relaxation(Yoga Nidra) is a technique of psychic sleep or sleep of awareness. It is a method in which the mind that creates or sustains the pattern of inner tensions and conflict is dealt. It is also known as yogi’s sleep. Its Practice aims at including complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It is derived from Sanskrit words, yoga meaning union or one pointed awareness, and nidra meaning sleep.

Benefits of Relaxation

  • Helps in Insomnia
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Alleviate stress
  • Brings about awareness and focus.
  • Transforms negative habits.
  • Brings about a change in behaviour  and ways of thinking.
  • Fosters peace, calm and clarity.
  • Provides effective relief for depression.
  • Releases tensions of mind and body.

What is a Mudra ?

A mudra is a symbolic gesture, which in sanskrit mean “gesture”, “mark”, or “sell”. The most well-known mudras are used during yoga and meditation practice for channeling the flow of vital energy known as prana. Each mudra has unique symbolism and is thought to have a specific effect on the body and mind by clearing energy pathways.

Mudras are believed to have a poweful effect on prana and are therefore performed along with pranayama or meditatioj to amplify the effects of these practices.

Benefits of Chin Mudra

  • Helps in attaining true knowledge and Wisdom
  • Helps to increase mental strength
  • Sharpens concentration and improves focus
  • Increases vital energy in the body
  • Helps to provide relief from depressionand worries.

Benefits of Chinmaya Mudra

  • Promotes the flow of prana
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves the energy flow in the thoracic region
  • Improves breathing in mid-section of lungs

Benefits of Merudanda Mudra

  • This mudra is particularly good for the spine.
  • It is extremely helpful to decrease the bugging stomach, decreases obesity
  • It boosts the digestive fire
  • Circulates the prana down the spine and helps revitalize back pain.

Benefits of Adi Mudra

  • It Enhances lung capacity
  • It helps all vital organs to function effectively
  • It increases and stimulates oxygen flow to vital areas like throat and head areas
  • It quietens and calms the nervous system
  • It increases the mental activeness by makingyou more alert

Benefits of Prana Mudra

  • Stabilizes mind and body
  • Reduces pain in the muscles
  • Removes blocks in the energy channels by enhancing movement of vital within the body
  • Boosts immunity and self-confidence
  • Removes fatigue
  • Helps in reducing anxiety
  • Prevents insomnia
  • Improves vision

Benefits of Shanmukhi Mudra

Shanmukhi mudra is performed in a stable, seated meditation posture such as siddhasana, padmasana, sukhasana.

  • Calms the mind and nervous system
  • Prevents and reduces anxiety, anger and irritation
  • Relaxes the eyes and facial muscles
  • Creates a state of pratyahara(Withdrawal of energy from the senses) that promotes a meditative state.
  • Enhances focus and introspection

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Yoga Training With Zankhana Jani

Yoga is the most effective technique to lead a healthy and serene life. If you are unable to attend Yoga courses, you can learn it online Yoga Training With Zankhana Jani.

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